These are the first pictures ever taken of us as a family of four! This past weekend Steve's dad took these pictures of us, right in Steve's parents' backyard. He did such a wonderful job! Thanks to him for always being willing to take our family pictures every year and for always doing such an amazing job.
I love these pictures so much. We didn't even try to get everyone to look and smile at the camera because well, I have a 3 year old and an almost 3 month old. It just didn't seem very doable. But I love how they turned out. I love my little family of four and I'm so happy I can have them forever ♥
ps, my very talented friend Leandra MADE those little moccasins for Logan! Aren't they the cutest?! I love them so much. Thanks again!!
I could be totally wrong but I think the major snowfall we had a couple weeks ago was the last of the season. (Isn't that right, Spring?!) Cole loves snow and I've always loved it too; I think it's so pretty. But we're craving warming weather...not gonna lie.
But Cole had a blast going sledding a couple of times. Technically this was his second time sledding in his life, but I counted it as his first because last year when we went he didn't like it at all and I'm pretty sure he didn't remember it either but this time he actually liked it!
Once when I was putting him to bed he told me that he wanted to make a snow angel! I had no idea he even knew what that was so I guess it's on the list of snow activities to do next time it snows! A snowman should probably be put on that list was just too powdery for a snowman I think. So powdery that when Cole started playing in it the first time, he asked me jokingly: "Hey mom, is this sugar?! Um nope, it's snow!" He said it all in one sentence before I had a chance to answer his question. I think that counts as the first joke he's ever cracked?!
I made Steve take these pictures of me and Logan on his two month birthday and I love how they turned out! He looks like me, doesn't he? Sometimes when he looks at me I feel like I'm looking back at myself and it's the weirdest sensation. I never felt that way with Cole! I always thought Cole was way too cute to be true but I never thought he looked like me. I would have had Cole come get in these pictures too... but you know, he's three and kind of impossible to take pictures of these days.
Either way, family pictures are in order since we haven't taken a single picture of the four of us since Logan was born. Yeah....gotta get on that!