^^Here he's digging in the dirt with a stick^^
We're still getting used to the cold here in Washington. But today it warmed up enough for us to venture out before Cole's nap time and play outside! Cole was so excited! This is the first time we've done this since moving here and it's especially the first time I've gone out with both kids all by myself. Logan is almost 2 months old already (seriously? writing that down makes it seem even crazier...) and I'm just now starting to feel normal again. Geez, having a baby is such an ordeal and a process! But we had fun! Cole is my crazy, active little boy and he had a blast climbing on these huge boulders and making me nervous!
"Wanna climb mommy?!" he'd ask me. Then he'd climb up these huge boulders, jump off before I could stop him and say "I'm being crazy mommy!" Haha. And that phrase he definitely gets from me. I'm always telling him he's being crazy when jumps off things. Ha. I'm glad he's listening to me ;)
ps, that cute hat and flannel shirt he's wearing is from Aunt Emma. She's the best!
Oh man, that boy is soooo cute! And I love his outfit. Who knew those two things would look so good together!! He is a stud. And I love that he tells you he's being crazy. That's hilarious!! I'm sure Henry will give me that same kind of anxiety. Haha!