It's the last day of July so I'd thought I'd post all these pictures from this month (and a few from the end of June too!) It's been such a good month. Summer is in full swing and I've been loving every minute of it! I seriously don't want it to end. This month has included swimming lessons, blueberry picking with friends, sunflower fields and so much more. (And this doesn't even include our weekend camping trip with family!) August is going to be just as great because we're celebrating our 6th (!!) anniversary by taking a trip to Chicago WITHOUT KIDS for FIVE DAYS. Omg. I am so excited!! Also, Steve is turning 30 on the 30th, so kind of a big deal!
Happy 4th of July! This holiday is seriously so much fun and I hardly got any pictures from our fun filled day! In the morning Uncle Craig and Papa came over and together with Steve they took the kids to the park to play tennis (and play on the playground too!)
Later that afternoon we went to the Liberty Lake Fourth of July Parade and let's just say that it was the perfect size for our boys. We were probably only there for less than an hour, and the parade consisted of all these decked out golf carts. Liberty Lake and their golf carts. haha. They kind of crack me up. People have golf carts here and zip around all over town in them during the summer, even if they never golf. And I am not even exaggerating. Sometimes I feel like Liberty Lake has its own little sub-culture :) We met up with a new family in our ward and the kids got soooo much candy thrown at them and a handful of otterpops too. Can't beat it. I think they loved it.
After that we went to our new friends' pool at their apartment complex where we had a bbq and swam. It was so refreshing and the boys never wanted to leave. Steve made his cowboy burger patties ahead of time and they are just soo gooood. I don't think I've ever loved a burger so much. I really should have gotten a picture of them.
After the pool, we came home, had the boys take a late nap and when they woke up we went to Steve's parents so that they could witness Uncle Craig play around with dry ice bombs. Let's just say that I am not a big fan of dry ice bombs.....But the boys loved it. You can watch Logan's reaction to them in the video below. He was simply ecstatic about it all. Makes me worried for he future haha.
We finished our day at my visiting teacher's lake house where we watched the fireworks over the lake. I looooove the lake and it was so pretty watching the fireworks over it. My pictures of the fireworks are pretty lame but that's only because Logan was clinging on to me for dear life the whole time they were going off. Oh well, maybe next year ;)
We love this country and we love where we live. Happy birthday America! Although I grew up in Germany and loved it, I always knew that when I grew up I wanted to live in the states. It's simply my home and I love it.
Here are just a few shots from the end of June. Cole refuses to take naps these days but he always seems to pass out around 5 pm. I love watching him sleep so peacefully even if it does make bed time that much later and harder! haha! I couldn't help myself from pulling my camera out! I wish I could kiss that sweet face ♥
And the shot of Logan is from an outing to Mirabeau Park. I let them play in the Spokane river a little bit and they loved it. We love summer!