Every inch of Kauai is picture worthy. Honestly I'm surprised I didn't take more pictures. After a while, you just have to enjoy what you're doing instead of documenting it.
In fact, one of my favorite things that we did was hike the Kalalau trail along the Na Pali coast and I didn't even take my real camera with me on that hike because I didn't want it to get ruined. Part of me wishes that I'd had it with me so I could have captured the beauty of the coast, and the waterfall that we hiked to, but oh well. It will always be one of my favorite memories of our trip. Steve parents watched the boys for us so we could go on the hike (thank you!!!) so it was only me, Steve and his brothers Craig and Brandon that went. Steve said that it was his favorite day too. It was an 8 mile hike round trip and it wasn't the distance that made it hard, but the incredibly slippery mud that we had to hike in! At one point I slipped and fell down so hard that the hand that I caught myself with went numb for hours. It hurt so bad! And on the way down from the hike, Steve and his brothers helped take turns carrying a woman who had broken her ankle! Along with some other good samaritains, they carried her for a mile and a half over their shoulder down the steep, bumpy and slippery trail. It pays to work out haha!
We stayed in a nice rental home in Princeville on the northern part of Kauai. The closest beach to us was within walking distance, but it was a hike for sure!! First thing Monday morning, we went for an early morning jog. I was so anxious to see the ocean! Our run took us down the steepest hill of my life and then there it was, the beautiful north shore of Kauai! It was simply breathtaking!
We also enjoyed Hanalei. It's a cute little tourist town that has a great bay where we went for our first beach day. The boys loved playing in the water and the sand. Throughout the week, we had *organic* shave ice, saw baby goats and a couple of impressive waterfalls! We body surfed at Kealia beach where the waves are HUGE! (To me anyway :) and ate burgers at the apparently famous "Bubba's Burgers." And in between there we evening walks on the beach and lots of naps for Logan :) As mean as it sounds, Steve and I have already decided that if we ever go back to Hawaii, we're leaving our kids at home! haha. They won't remember this trip anyway ;)
We're so glad we got to go! It was so much fun!!
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