^^My family. They mean everything to me.^^

^^Searching for eggs in a HUGE field.^^

^^Cole's smile makes me smile :)^^

^^Those big puffy clouds are one of the many things I love about Washington.^^

^^The Easter egg hunt location. I wouldn't mind this view in my backyard.^^

^^Getting ready to fill that Easter basket!^^

^^Sometimes a good hair a makeup day needs to be documented :)^^

^^One last Easter egg hunt at Mimi and Papa's.^^
Easter weekend was so much fun this year! Cole was so excited for weeks leading up to it, I loved seeing his excitement. Our ward put on the biggest Easter egg hunt that I have ever been a part of on Saturday. I helped hide nearly 6000 eggs!! So there was plenty of eggs for everyone that came. It was in such a beautiful spot here in Liberty Lake too. I am so in love with where we live. Both the boys loved searching for the eggs. (And we still have sooo much candy from it!)
This year, Easter weekend was also conference weekend which I actually quite liked. That meant no special Easter outfits (ha!) but we got to listen to so many uplifting talks; I really felt the spirit so strongly. This Easter I felt like I really contemplated what actually happened during that first Easter and I tried to wrap my mind around the significance it has for me personally. And I tried to convey that to Cole too. I love my Savior and I loved celebrating his Resurrection this past weekend.
And we loved to doing all the fun Easter bunny stuff too! The Easter bunny brought Cole a new jump rope, something he's been wanting! And he brought Logan some bubbles! And he also brought them both a big bucket of sand toys! Just in time for Hawaii! We leave in less than a month and we can't wait!
Happy Easter everyone!