I sure do love you but you wear me out sometimes!
I can't seem to keep up with this little guy anymore. He is down to one nap a day so from the time he wakes up at 6 or 7 in the morning until he goes down for his nap around 11 or 12, I am constantly trying to entertain him! He is completely over his toys and I can only let him watch so many movies in a day! So I feel like I am constantly trying to come up with things for him to do. Because if I don't he will destroy e v e r y t h i n g in the house! We play a lot of "ring around the rosies," he is obsessed with his trucks, and we play a lot of basketball out on the porch. We've hit this phase where I actually have to play with him because he doesn't like to play on his own. I never realized this til now, but I'm not much of a "player" if you know what I mean. Playing with his trucks, or doing ring around the rosies over and over and over gets old for me real fast. I know I'm not a bad mom but I could definitely do better in the "playful" area.
After Cole wakes up from his naps, we go out on walks and sometimes we go to the playground which he loves. If there are other kids at the playground, he gets all excited and wants to play with them. (They don't always want to play with him which kind of breaks my heart to watch but oh well...)
When Steve gets home they play basketball on the porch for a looong time! I guess Steve is a lot more fun at this than I am ;) Then we have dinner and he goes to bed. And don't even get me started on daylight savings.....:/ Cole is old enough now where it actually affects us. Now I know what all those moms were talking about on fb. Your baby is tired and cranky earlier in the day but you can't put them to bed at their normal bedtime because then they will be up and 1 in the morning and not want to go back to bed. It just throws everything off and although it's been a week since the change, we're still getting over it a little bit. I guess the sooner we adjust the better because in 6 months this will happen all over again! I just hope that we won't have any problems when we go to Utah in a little over a week! I'm excited about the trip but I a little more nervous to travel now that I have such an active toddler on my hands! Wish me luck!