September 11, 2011

First choking scare :(

When I was a teenager, I was downtown Heidelberg once at a Strassenbahn (cable car) station and I watched as passengers loaded into one Strassenbahn and then I watched as it bagan to take off. But what the driver hadn't noticed was that a very old lady hadn't made it all the way into the Strassenbahn!! The driver had shut the doors on half of her body!! I shuddered as I watched and my heart sank for this poor old woman as she banged on the doors and finally the driver noticed and stopped and let her in all the way.
I was so disturbed by this incident even though I was only a spectator! I was relieved that nothing really bad had happened but I was still bothered that it had even happened at all! This lady was old. I bet she thought that she'd seen it all by the time she was her age. I bet she never thought that in her later years she would have half her body stuck in the doors of a moving Strassenbahn! But what bothered me the most was the realization that I had a lot of life to live and I didn't know what all the scares in my life would be or when they would happen. I would never be safe from surprises or scares or even tragedies possibly, even as an old woman. I could be that old woman one day and I would never know if or when it would happen. Geez.

Well, today I had one of those scares in life. :(

As we were skyping with Steve's family, Cole was sitting on Steve's lap playing with a piece of paper (!!) and we didn't realize that he had chewed on it and that little pieces of the paper were in his mouth. Until Steve's family saw through skype that Cole was making a funny face. (awful, I know) He was choking on the paper! I started freaking out but somehow managed to squeeze Cole's cheeks so he'd open his mouth and I stuck my pointing finger all the way down Cole's throat (I swear I touched his tonsils) and scooped the wet paper mess out. I had read in some book that that's what you're supposed to do when a baby's choking and I was surprised with how well I remembered what to do and how quickly I carried it out. Maybe there is something to be said for motherly instincts after all! And then after Cole was fine, I went in the other room and cried. My nerves! I could barely handle it. I thought of the story I told about above and I thought about all the other crazy things that would happen to my sweet baby boy as his life and my life go on. How many scares will there be?! And will they always only be "scares?"

I'm just thankful that it was just a scare today and nothing more than that.

 Maybe I overreacted today but it was the first time I've ever had to save a baby from choking. I know that babies put everything in their mouths and I know it's common for them to gag/choke on things, but do you moms out there ever get used to it? Does it still phase you every time? I hate the thought of going through this on a regular basis!


  1. Yikes! I'm so glad he's (and you..) are okay!

    Harvey has always been a terrible "chewer". He wolfs down food so fast, sometimes he swallows pieces that are too big!

    I've heard it both ways - 1. to swipe your finger and get the item out, and 2. to flip them over and hit their back (between the shoulder blades) with the heel of your hand.

    I'm afraid of pushing the food down his throat (and lodging it further) so I usually opt for #2. But it's worked every time - he coughs it right up.

    And, well, I won't say I'm used to it.. but it phases me less than it used to. :)

  2. Oh Lauren, I am so sorry! I wanna cry for you! That is a mother's worst nightmare! I think the same things too.... I am always paranoid about horrible things happening to Maddy and its exhausting, but I just cant help it. Especially when I hear horror stories... but I definitely think motherly instincts play a huge roll, even when we are unaware!

  3. It does happen often especially as they're learning to eat solids, and it will get your adrenaline going every time. But each time, you will be ready to do exactly what you did and you'll act on instinct to get it out. Sorry it was so scary!

  4. Oh you poor thing, I don't blame you for being a wreck. That must have been so scary. I am always stressed out that Max will choke on something, it causes me way too much anxiety. When Max was 8 weeks old, I tipped over his stroller and he fell face down on the asphalt. It was the worst day of my life! I had nightmares for a few months afterwards. I think we as mothers will stress and worry over our children 'til the day we die.

  5. Yikes! I'm so sorry Lu! You were there when Annabelle choked for the first time -- SO SCARY!! I'm glad your motherly instincts kicked in though! He's a lucky boy to have you. I'm so happy you're both ok!

  6. I always lift up their arm, it doesn't which one and it always works.

  7. yikes!! Choking is seriously one of my worst fears! I always going into a panic! Sounds like you handled it like a champ, though. :) Miss you!

  8. Sorry about the choking scare. I think the upside-down strong pat on the back is an important technique to learn. Plus, the Heimlich, which I used on Lissie a couple of times when she was little. And as a new, young mother, I remember having some good crying spells over such things as Marie crying through her first bath! She cried, so I cried.

  9. Thanks for your comments and comforting words, guys!! I really appreciate it and the advice :)

  10. it happens to all of us. lucy even choked on an apple when she was about 5. they were fooling around, laughing with their mouths open, and a bite of apple went right down her throat, and she couldn't breathe. i grabbed her around her stomach and it came right out. it freaked her and andrew out way more than it freaked me out. i was more like 'THIS is why we don't fool around when we eat. got it???' they seemed to get it, and when ever i bring it up, it seems to sober them up fast.

  11. Ah! I remember all these firsts. Little One chokes a lot on her food or used to at least because she doesn't like to chew so the first time that happened, I did the same thing you did and it worked and every time after that I would get really scared when she choked but calmly just put my finger in her throat and scooped it out. I still remember the first time she fell off a bed. She was JUST starting to roll over and fell off of the bed and she was so little and it was right before a wedding. I was so scared and was bawling my eyes out because I can't believe that happened, but she was fine thank goodness and things like that totally happen. :D
