May 14, 2011

Lots of Turtles!

By our house there are these canals where we went walking on Thursday and they are FULL of these turtles! I couldn't believe how many there were! I know I shouldn't wish my baby to grow up faster, but I can't wait for him to actually understand what he's seeing and what we were trying to show him! Little boys love turtles, right?
Oh, and I thought the flowers growing along the way were beautiful too :) But what's new!

And I know I shared this on my facebook, but yesterday I got a comment on one of my posts from last year (almost exactly a year ago). A 4th grade teacher googled "clueless 4th graders" and this blog post of mine came up! Since Blogger was down a good chunk of Thursday and Friday, all the comments that anyone got on those days were deleted, but luckily facebook saved the comment that she left: 

"I'm a 4th grade teacher who just Googled "clueless 4th graders" because I had my millionth conversation with a couple of them this morning. So, so frustrating...Thank you for this post. It gives me hope. :-)"

It just made me laugh :) If you haven't already, you should go read my post!


  1. I love those baby turtles!!! How adorable! :) and funny story with that 4th grade teacher. Ps this is Emma.

  2. I love turtles! Remember our Turtle? What was his name? I can't even remember...

  3. The flower pictures are gorgeous! What kind of camera do you have? Pretty, pretty!

  4. The turtle's name was Skittles. He got away and probably lives in that CA neighborhood somewhere still!

  5. I remember Skittles! I loved that turtle - we gave it to mom for Mother's Day one year :)

  6. dang, those turtles are so cute!

  7. my goodness, your 4th grade post is hilarious! i must say, i was a LOT like you! i definitely did the "judge a book by its cover" and i still struggle with telling time :)
