April 30, 2014

My all-time favorite age.


My sweet Logan is five months old already! I've said it before and I'll say it again: this age, five months old, is just pure heaven. Of course I love my babies at all ages, but there's something so care-free and sweet about this age. I still only nurse him; I love not having to worry about feeding him baby food just yet. He will just sit in my arms and be completely content. There's never a moment of frustration or boredom because everything's so new to him, he's just fascinated by everything! I remember feeling exactly this way when Cole was five months old. The biggest difference between the two is that Logan can already roll over like a champ! He rolls everywhere! And he's practically sitting up already! And he kind of scoots already! It's so crazy to me. He's growing up so quickly but I still feel like I just had him. It's going on half a year now though and that just completely blows my mind.

Here are just a few things that I absolutely love about my five month old boy:

+He genuinely loves little baby toys!! It's the cutest thing ever to me. I love the way his face lights up when I hand him a toy to play with! I've already bought way more toys for Logan that I ever did for Cole at this age, just because he loves them so much. It's completely adorable :) I don't remember Cole liking toys that much! Especially not this young!

+I love love the way he reaches up to play with my hair when he's nursing. Without even looking his little hand reaches up to tug on my hair. And I just want to kiss his little hands all day long. It is the sweetest thing; I cherish it so much.

+Whenever he cries in his sleep I always go to put his pacifier back in to calm him down. The minute I walk in the room and say "shhhhhh" he immediately quiets down because just the sound of my voice soothes him ♥ And when I stick his paci back in, he always grabs hold of my hand with his two little hands and clutches on to me for dear life as if to say don't leave me!! And it always breaks my heart a little bit when I have to pry his little fingers off of me so that I can get stuff done while he's napping.

+Here's something kind of silly, but I absolutely love his name: Logan. It just fits him so perfectly, I've always thought so since the minute I saw him. I'm actually surprised that we haven't come up with any kind of nickname for him...we always just call him Logan and I love it so much. The reason why I initially liked the name when Steve and I were first talking about names was because it starts with the letter "L" which is my favorite letter, since, you know, my name starts with the letter "L" too ;) And the name Logan itself kind of sounds very similar to Lauren! That might just seem silly, but whenever I pictured Logan inside of me while I was pregnant, I always pictured him with blonde hair. I somehow just knew that he was going to be a little blondie and since I'm technically a blondie too, it only seemed fitting that both us blondies have similar names. Plus, I feel like he looks so much like me. It just fits and I love it and I love looking into his beautiful face and seeing me in him :)

He just makes me so incredibly happy, I thank God for him every single day. I love you sweet baby boy! Happy five months!

5 months and 1 week old. And so dang cute, it kills me  Love this smiley boy!

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