July 6, 2013

Happy Fourth!

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^^Are they not the cutest? Cole obviously loved the fireworks and has been asking about them for days afterwards. We even got to see fireworks two days in a row! He was in heaven.^^


^^Lots of fireworks! The 4th of July in Texas totally beats having it on base in Germany.^^

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^^Small town Texas parade. The same one I was in last year! Those sirens were loud!^^

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^^And a yummy patriotic treat shared with friends. The whole thing got eaten except for the part with blueberries on it. I guess people don't like blueberries ;)^^

And that sums up our 4th of July holiday! I think the 4th of July should fall on a Thursday every year because then you get to celebrate the day before on Wednesday, and you have Thursday, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday off and it's pretty much like having a 5 day weekend. Which rocks when there are only 7 days in a week anyway ;) It was fun and I was so grateful to not be feeling sick for any of it! I'll be 20 weeks next week and I cannot wait!


  1. Those pics of the fireworks are fantastic...and that cake looks amazing!!

    1. It's just a fruit pizza, nothing compared to what you would be able to whip up I'm sure!! :)

  2. Yay! Happy 4th of July! It looks like yours was a blast. And what is your patriotic treat -- a cake? It is sooo so cute! I should've done something like that. And Cole is adorable!! He's looking more and more like a little boy and losing his babyness. Good thing you're about to pop another out ;)

    1. It's a fruit pizza, like the only dessert I ever make haha. And yes, he is definitely losing his babyness! it's sad and happy all at the same time!

  3. Yay! A post from you! ;) Looks like a wonderful 4th! Those firework pictures are so awesome!

  4. Nice pictures Lauren. And it looks like you had a really fun fourth!
