Sandy Hook Bay, NJ
I racked my memory, but I'm pretty sure that when we stopped by Sandy Hook Bay on our way home from DC back to Weehawken, NJ, it was my first time ever touching the Atlantic Ocean! It was so breathtaking and beautiful! We came right as the sun was setting so we hurried out of the car so we could get some shot before the light was completely gone. If we hadn't been in a hurry I probably would have changed out of my church outfit, but oh well. People go to the beach wearing pencil skirts right?! :)
My favorite was seeing the NYC skyline lit up way in the distance. Gosh, it was so so beautiful. Again, I wish I could have spent more time there but it was still fun. We left after the sun went down because it got too cold and Logan had eaten his fair share of sand and seashells by that point anyway ;)
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