I visited NYC for my golden birthday and it was so so perfect. You know, all the movies take place there and it's just so big and fun and it really was such a dream come true to go. And this is quite literally the view from Emma's apartment. AMAZING. There's just something breathtaking about it. I'll never forget when I first saw this view. We were driving along this windy road and then down this hill and we turn a corner and there it is! Right out my passenger window and I gasped! It was so pretty! And I'm pretty sure I said something like "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" It was even better than I had imagined and I hadn't even been in the city yet :)
I'm describing the night I got in but these pictures were taken on my last night there. After the babies fell asleep, we had Jake watch them and we ran right outside her front door (in our jammies!!) and I made Emma take a picture of me in front of the skyline, wearing my I ♥ NY t-shirt I'd bought from a little shop in the city, of course.
And obviously I couldn't decide which picture of the skyline to post...so I posted them all! I'm a total sucker for city lights :)
I was the most typical tourist but having it be your golden birthday somehow makes it totally ok. You only turn 28 on the 28th once! Happy birthday to me!!!!
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