December 25, 2017

A Savior is Born


Merry Christmas! As time goes on, my life seems to go by faster and faster. But at the same time, things seem to become clearer and clearer for me. At this time of year as I reflect on the birth of my Savior, I can't help but have my heart swell up with love for Him.

The past couple years I've had a few experiences in my life where I feel like my relationship with my Savior has been strengthened. Now more than ever before I know that He lives! He is real and He is really there, listening and answering my prayers. My mind has always known this, but my heart has just now finally caught up.

As I've gotten older, it's become more clear to me that life isn't about how many times you go to the temple, or if you read your scriptures for an hour or more a day. Those are great things but if you do them and your heart isn't changed, then really it was just a waste of time. No, it's not about checking off all the conference talks once you've read them, or visiting teaching. It's about a change of heart, where your will is aligned with God's will. You have faith in Him and His timing. It's a choice to have faith in Him and to do the things that will bring you closer to Him.

These things are so easy to say but doing them and actually feeling it in your heart is a different story. It's something that has finally clicked for me but even with that, it does not mean that I don't have to keep putting effort into feeling it. I love my Savior and I will never be able to put into words what He means to me. I hope that one day my children will be able to gain a testimony of their Savior too ♥

Merry Merry Christmas ♥

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